ITS Education

Overseas Capacity Building Workshop

Date / Time Program Description
1 Day Arrival
Move to KOICA
Hotel Check-in & Free time
2 Day KOICA Orientation (OT schedule can be subject to change)
09:30~10:20 Introduction of KOICA & Program
10:20~10:50 Commemorative photo shoot
10:50~11:20 ICC (International Cooperation Center) tour
11:20~12:00 Homepage registration
12:00~13:20 Welcoming luncheon
13:20~14:30 Introduction of daily life in Korea
14:30~16:30 Training on basic Korean
16:30~17:30 Training on ODA or gender issue
3 Day Orientation/Lecture/Country Report
08:30~09:00 Orientation
09:00~12:00 [Lecture 1] Current status of ITS in Korea
12:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~16:00 Presentation on the country report (by each city)
16:00~17:00 Action plan methodology
4 Day Lectures / Action plan
09:00~12:00 [Lecture 2] National ITS policy & plan
12:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~17:00 [Lecture 3] ITS standardization
17:00~18:00 Group Discussion on Action plan
5 Day Lectures / Study visit
09:00~12:00 [Lecture 4] Transportation policy in Seoul city
12:00~13:00 Lunch
13:00~14:00 Move to LG CNS
14:00~16:00 [Study Visit] LG CNS
16:00~17:00 Move to TOPIS
17:00~18:00 [Study visit] Seoul TOPIS & hands-on experience of public Transportation
18:30~19:30 Move to KOICA
6 Day Field trip
08:00~11:30 Move to Deagu
11:30~13:00 Lunch & Move to KIAPI
13:00~14:00 [Field trip] KIAPI(Korea Intelligent Automotive Parts Promotion Institute) - Proving ground for driving
14:00~16:00 Move to Busan
16:00~17:00 [Field trip] : Busan Traffic information Center
17:00~18:00 Move to Hotel and check in
18:00~ Dinner & free time
Date / Time Program Description
7 Day Field trip
10:00~12:00 [Field trip] Samwon FA – Transportation card system and facilities
12:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~18:00 Busan City Tour
18:00~20:00 Move on to Gyeongju and Dinner
8 Day Field trip & Move back to KOICA
09:00~12:00 Gyeongju Cultural experience
12:00~16:00 Lunch and return to KOICA
16:00~ Free time
9 Day Free time
09:00~18:00 Free time
10 Day Lectures / Study visit
09:00~12:00 [Lecture 5] Introduction of ITS in expressway
12:00~13:00 Lunch
13:00~14:00 Move on to Anyang city
14:00~16:00 [Study visit] Anyang U-traffic center
16:00~17:00 Program Description
11 Day Lectures
09:00~12:00 [Lecture 6] Traffic signal management & control
12:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~17:00 [Lecture 7] Traffic center system
17:00~18:00 Group work on Action plan
12 Day Lectures / Study visit
09:00~12:00 [Lecture 8] Weigh-in-motion system
12:00~13:30 Lunch
13:30~14:00 Move to Korea Expressway Corporation (KEC)
14:00~16:00 [Study visit] Smart Highway Demonstration
16:00~17:00 Move to Embassy of Colombia
17:00~18:00 Visit the Embassy of Colombia
13 Day Lectures
09:00~12:00 [Lecture 9] Bus information system
12:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~17:00 [Lecture 10] Electronic Payment for Public Transportation
17:00~18:00 Group work on Action plan
14 Day Cultural experience
09:00~18:00 Seoul City Tour
15 Day Free time
09:00~18:00 Free time
16 Day Lectures
09:00~12:00 [Lecture 11] ITS communication and Network
12:00~13:30 Lunch
21 Day Departure