ITS of Korea

History of ITS Establishment

Milestones of ITS in Korea

Stage Period Main Achievements
Stage 1
Introduction of ITS
1993 ~ 1998 (1994) FTMS Pilot Project (Gyeongbu Expressway)
(1997) Establishment of the 1st National ITS Master Plan
(1998) ITS Pilot Project (Gwacheon)
(1998) The 5th ITS World Congress held in Seoul
Stage 2
Laying Legal Foundation & System
1999 ~ 2004 (1999) Development ITS Architecture
(2001) Establishment of the 2nd National ITS Master Plan
(2001) Hi-pass (ETCS) Pilot Project
(2002) Establishment of National ITS Standardization
(2003) Project on Establishing ITS Model City (Jeonju, Daejeon, Jeju)
(2004) ITS Implementation on Seoul Urban Expressway
Stage 3
Growth & Expansion
2005 ~ 2010 (2006) Establishment of Five ITS Centers of Regional Administration
(2007) Nationwide Expansion of Hi-pass (ETC)
(2009) Revision of National Transport System Efficiency Act
(2009) Deployment of ATMS by Local Governments
(2010) The 17th ITS World Congress hosted in Busan
Stage 4
Next Generation of ITS
2011 ~ Present (2012) Establishment of ITS Master Plan for Vehicles and Roads 2020
(2013) Research on Introduction Plan for C-ITS
(2014) SMART Highway Project
(2014) Private-Public Cooperation in Traffic Information (MOU)
(2016) C-ITS Pre-Deployment Project
(2016) R&D on Cooperative Automated Driving Highway System (C-AHS)

ITS Operation Status in Korea

ITS Organizations in Korea