About Us

Main Business

Identify overseas projects and establish export strategies

  • Collect information on overseas ITS markets and projects

    • Collect overseas ITS project information through relevant organizations (KOTRA, overseasproject owner)
    • Utilize international events, global bidding sites, and market reports
  • Propose new projects and implement masterplan consulting projects

    • Propose new ITS projects utilizing infrastructure masterplan of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, KOICA development consulting, NIPA's consulting support projects for overseas informatization and new exploration support projects of Overseas Construction Association
    • Identify and participate in ODA including dispatch of advisors through KOICA projects (using ODA) and ITS masterplan support for developing countries utilizing Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance
  • Establish the roadmap for export strategies by country

    • Select strategic countries for export by identifying national ITS status and export environment
    • Establish the roadmap for entry into those strategic countries by identifying detailed ITS project information, bidding process and schedule and local companies utilizing the network with project owners of the strategic countries

Hold a Roadshow

Hold an ITS roadshow targeting strategic countries to export
  • Visit the promising countries which have a plan to release projects and promote Korean ITS to their local agencies and conduct 1:1 business meetings with project owners
  • Has been holding roadshows in 18 countries in Southeast Asia, South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East since 2007

Conduct an Invitational Workshop

Hold an invitational workshop on ITS targeting working-level people from strategic countries for export
  • Invite high-ranking officials and project owners from the countries that visited roadshows to Korea to provide them an opportunity to experience ITS service of Korea directly, visit relevant companies and have an 1:1 business meeting
  • Has been conducting invitational training for ITS related people from Mongolia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Poland and Colombia since 2013

Promote Korea's ITS internally and externally

  • International cooperation

    • Promote Korea's ITS actively at inter-governmental meetings such as high-ranking official's bilateral meetings or VIP summits
    • Advertise the status of Korea's ITS by participating in ITS World Congress and ITSAsia-Pacific Forum
    • Sign an MOU with relevant overseas organizations for ITS cooperation (Colombia, Peru,El Salvador)
    • Provide tour programs on Korea's ITS when major overseas ITS people visit Korea
  • Promotional activities

    • Conduct online and offline promotional activities
    • Run a web site, publish brochures and promotional videos in multiple languages